Thanks for all who helped with donation.
The report was forwarded from Father Justin here in walsall who came from that village and came from St Michaels church in Kerala.

Dear Ian
Robertson and Oak Tree Trust
is Mathew Kannalayil, Parish priest, St. Micheals Church, Veliyanadu. Thank you very much for your concern. Our
dream project of Rain harvest has been done.
We could give 20 water tanks (2000 litres) to most needy people in our
village, so that they can use filtered rain water for their domestic
purpose. I extend the heartful thanks
and prayers of our people. My apology for the delay of reports. It was due to
busy time of paddy harvest.
next project was of Duck. Unfortunately,
some health issues are faced with Duck. So we would like to distribute coconut
plants, which will be a good income generation programme. So with your
permission we may distribute 600 coconut plants on these days. I enclose few
photos of both tank and coconut along with this report. May God bless you all.
Mathew Kannalayil
(Parish priest)
(Parish priest)